
soccer chicks

about a month ago, i started playing regularly in a coed indoor soccer league. this was my first experience playing against girls and wondered how i would react to it. up until tonight, there was really no reason for my ultra-competitive side to get me in any hot water with my gentlemanly side.

normally, if a girl goes down in the vicinity of me, i'll stop to help her up. how do i get repaid for this tonight? on the next several plays, this chick starts trash talking me, kicks me in the hand that i broke last year, really fucks up my rib cage on a scramble for a loose ball, and later, knees me in the head against the boards. had this been a guy, i would have retaliated a long time ago. i thought about instructing my defense to just let her through so i could take the 1on1. fortunately, i managed to keep my temper under control.

so you, dear readers, are subjected to my venting about this particular soccer chick. what a bitch.


At 10:02 AM, Blogger Nick said...

what a bitch

At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

girls are mean. They pull hair and will grab your breasts if it will give them the edge.

At 12:39 AM, Blogger mike said...

wierd...i normally have to pay for a good grab of my boobs.


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