

friday was one of those great days. no, let me correct that. it was fucking great. wait, no, it was really fucking great.

5:45 - wake up, make coffee (my guy gave me a bag of this stuff that retails at $40/lb. pretty decent stuff.)
6:30 - leave for twin lakes.
7:30 - arrive at twin lakes, put lift in water.
8:30 - retrieve the smartest/dumbest thing i ever purchased.
9:30 - gas station. $115 to fill that damn thing up. holy crap.
9:45 - drop it in the water and tear around like little boy with a tonka truck.
10:15 - wetsuit, slalom, towrope....i'm set.
10:30 - HIT IT!!!
10:40 - drink some lake water.
11:45 - HIT IT!!!
noon - use face to test softness of lake at 35mph.
1:30 - reuben and a draft newcastle. sweeeeeeeeeeeet.
3:30 - home and a nap.
5:00 - gym
7:30 - home for dinner and xbox.


At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You bought an xBox but still refuse UT? You are a heathen!


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