
play nice = bend over and grab your ankles

play nice or don't play at all. remember that one? well, it's total bullshit. if you play nice, you're going to get fucked over. i'm becoming more and more convinced that the only way to get ahead is to take advantage of or intimidate other people.

if you are another driver that insists that the world revolves around you, expect me to correct that notion for you.

if you are an employee, expect me to crawl up your ass and set up camp.

if you are a vendor who screws up, expect me to make you pay for it...big.

i'm so goddamn frustrated with the world that it's beginning to make me crazy. i need to go for a run before i kill someone.


At 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the same need today, though for different reasons. We're uncanny this week.


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