

I never get nervous before races. I've lacked confidence in some but with the exception of one half-ironman, i've slept like a baby the nights before every race. I usually don't even get the pre-race jitters until an hour or two before the gun goes off.

Last night, I could not sleep at all. Simply out of stubborness, i know i'll finish the race, so it's not a confidence issue. The problem is trying to get myself mentally ready for how badly i know this one is going to hurt. Between not being able to run more than 16 miles and jacking up my right ankle during the ski trip, i'm concerned with my pain tolerance level.

I think I'm obsessing about this a bit too much. it's now 2:30am and it's still all i'm thinking about.

ski trip post is coming as soon as i get the video footage back of my spectacular fall.



At 7:42 AM, Blogger Tim said...

Bleh. All you have to do is finish, then you can drown your pain in beer.


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