
reflections on a hangover

I don't understand how anyone can use a date rape drug. There's the obvious issue of getting someone to do something against their will, but in addition to that, is how someone could ever even consider it without admitting to themselves that they are so pathetic that they need to actually make a girl pass out in order to get some. I can't even fathom a self-justification for that.

In other news, I made a bit of a breakthrough this weekend with the help of Suzanne. I managed to approach two girls and introduce myself without being a wingman. In fact, flying point was so foreign to me that when my wingmen came in, i left them sort of stranded (sorry michael and hebs). Next step, approach women i don't know with no set play from Suzanne. I anticipate success in this arena sometime in the next 6 months if i'm lucky.

You'd think that as a bartender, I'd be able to speak to people. But the second there is an interest beyond simple pass-the-time conversation I immediately lose any ability I had and act like a fool. This becomes an increasing annoyance to me when I already know the girl as was the case with a friend of mine and currently with one of our trainers in the gym at work. At least I'm now getting the motivation to work out a lot.

A random thought on that one: The facility in which i work is 90% male. As far as attractive single females go, well, there are VERY few. The two single trainers in the gym are both very attractive and in great shape. I wonder how many times in a given month they get asked out. My guess is 5.


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