
what a day

work is kicking my ass this week. i had to come back to work at 1 in the morning last night for several hours and then drag my butt out of bed to be here by 8. fortunately, it was very easy to wake up once i hit the shower as the hot water heater went out last night. in my haste to prevent shrinkage, i managed to ram my big toe underneath the door and extricate a sizable chunk of the cursed appendage. by this time, my desire to go back to bed had been replaced by the desire to cuss. a lot. a whole lot. my colorful tirade directed at the bathroom door was only made worse by the fact that i could find no clean boxers. thankfully, the gods decided they had tormented me enough for one morning and i spotted my gym bag which i had packed last night with some fresh undies. crisis averted. having made it this far, i went in to work to discover that pretty much anything that could have broken, did. now it is night time and i'm considering sleeping in the lab but i don't want the security guards to think i'm easy and get ideas.


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