
announcing my retirement

last night was my final night of bartending and boy am i glad it's over. i had to throw out the third person of my career who then told me he was going to kill me. eventually, he left, but 15 minutes later, came back. i called the cops and he went for a ride. the previous two times that i've had to ask someone to leave, they didn't argue too much yet i still got a big adrenaline rush preparing for the worst. last night, when the worst was about a second and a half away from happening, i was surprisingly calm even though the guy had 5-6 inches and 200 lbs on me. had you asked me what i would have done prior to this happening i would have told you that i would have wet myself and had somebody else handle it.

not only this but one of our servers got a little tipsy last night. she had no car and, as she is only a couple blocks past my place, i offered to walk her home. country thunder is in town this weekend. This means there are quite a few drunk assholes around so i didn't want her walking by herself. We start walking home and, to make a long story short, damn near jumps on me. I give her the turn, pull away and start walking a whole lot quicker. Oh yea, did i mention that she's married?


At 6:36 PM, Blogger Nick said...

Married chicas are fun to shag.


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