

random thought 1: i went out for a 19 mile run today having eaten 1/4 lb. of fudge for breakfast, skipping lunch, and mcdonalds for dinner. that run sucked balls.
random thought 2: i had a "Glengarry Glen Ross" moment today. a salesman pitched me about switching vendors for a particular product on friday. he was able to do it cheaper. he was trying his damndest to close me and, after i had revealed that i played him off of my current vendor and gotten better pricing from both, tried to guilt me into using him. the old me would have felt bad about this as i used to have a very guilty conscience. ever since this post i've had a new outlook. i didn't feel bad at all...none...not one bit. i was proud that i was completely honest and very direct. i didn't care that i wasn't 'letting him down easy'. i like the new me.
random thought 3: this is probably the most educational product website out there. if you are ever interested in aerodynamics, they tell you just about everything except for the hardcore mathematics behind it.
random thought 4: i will soon have someone else call me 'uncle mike'. Val is due any day now. last report was that she was doing well and feeling good. i secretly hope for it to happen on wednesday.
random thought 5: i go to pick up a brand spankin' new router table tomorrow so i can finally finish that damn dresser. i'm just gonna rip off the trim and route new pieces. trying to sand those fuckers is taking me way too long.
random thought 6: after tonight's 19 miler, this whole ironman thing is a bit intimidating. i'm pooped. and i didn't swim 2.4 and bike 112 right before it.
random thought 7: jesus, it's 1:30. i need to get more sleep.


At 10:17 AM, Blogger Nick said...

Glengarry Glen Ross is the best fucking movie.


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