
What i did over christmas break

I've been absent from posting for a while due to the holidays. As usual, I spent Xmas at the lake with family. Last week, I went to Breckenridge for New Years Eve with Todd and some of his friends. What a great time. Lots of booze and lots of skiing. I need a vacation just to recover.
This week marks the conquering of one of my New Year's resolutions: getting my eyes fixed. Yep, I'm getting Lasik done. I have to admit to being rather nervous about the whole thing but I'll get over it.
The rest of my New Years Resolutions are as follows:
Put a significant dent in my mortgage (yes, there's a specific number...i just don't want to post it).
Switch jobs. The writing is on the wall for my current one so I need to get out before Q4 of 05.
Bench Press 200 lbs 6 times in a row. This one is definitely a stretch goal.Complete a half-ironman triathlon. I'm signed up for one in June. My trainingstarts Feb 1.
Qualify for Boston - this one is on the list for the 4th year running.
Go on 6 dates - This is a serious stretch goal as I'm averaging about 1/year these days (not including random hook-ups).

Should be an interesting year!


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