the yellow it a fashion statement or is it a way to show support? I've heard of people buying them off of ebay and have even had some stranger yell at me over a crowd at a bar "HEY DUDE! LIVE STRONG!" so he could show his friends that he had one too. Get a life. Yes, it makes me smile when i see other people wearing them but why attract needless attention to it?
The idea is getting corrupted by commercialism and fashion. Mine is for my Grandma Snyder who had breast cancer and my friend Nick who had testicular cancer. What's yours for? So you can claim to support cancer research when you bought it off ebay and not a dime of it went to the foundation?
I admit to being a hypocrit because the one i wear was given to me by a good friend. This is the way it should be. You don't buy it for yourself, you buy it for others. The bunch that I ordered will be given away as soon as they hit my doorstep.
99% of the people who wear them are for a fashion statement. Take a poll of random people who wear them and ask what type of cancer Armstrong had and you'll probably not get the correct answer.
But as long as you wear it for the right reason, you're not a douchebag.
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