
busy busy

wow...three weeks since the last post. terrible. let's see, what's happened since then?
- my boat turned two years old. I get the feeling a tradition is starting with my boat receiving birthday cards. This cracks me up and they now get proudly displayed above my fireplace. this year, may 13th will be the first day of waterski season.
- i got food poisoning last monday. holy shit did that suck. i lost 8 lbs. in 48 hours and i'm a scrawny-ass to begin with.
- i went to the bulls/cavaliers game with todd. i had a really good time but i'm now positive that there is nothing that can touch college sports. the fan base is so much more passionate there.
- the illini damn near give me a heart attack. every one of their tourney games was close in the first half whether it should be or not. oh yea, and screw you UNC and the officials who want to smoke their pole.
- i house-sat for scott and tiffany while they were away and got to enjoy all the ammenities of their lifestyle...a cleaning lady who did my dishes and put away my groceries (i still can't find those two bananas), rolling around town in the benz (my boss is now 100% convinced that i sell drugs), and hd tv.
- i ran the shamrock shuffle in 34:02 (6:50/mile)...28 seconds slower than last year but i get to keep my competitive start for next year. three days earlier, i ran a single mile in 5:13, my best ever (previous was 5:17). i've also been put on the spot for the chase corporate challenge and am being expected to pull out a 20:13 (5:44/mile). i think this is do-able but i need to start training seriously. the only problem with this is that serious training involves speedwork (hill runs, 400 meter repeats, etc.) which i hate. the only speedwork that i enjoy is when tim and zack whup my ass on a bike while i run with them.

well, i think that brings me up to date. i'll make an attempt to post more often.


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