
the ACLU, where no good deed goes unpunished

I, like many of my friends, was a boy scout. Scouts is where i learned to camp, canoe, shoot, and cook on an open fire. I made a lot of friends and have a lot of fond memories of that time. It certainly is a big part of who I am today.

Back when I was active in Troop 178, we began each scout meeting by reciting the boy scout oath. "On my honor, i will do my duty, to God and my country..." Well, approximately every 4 years, the Pentagon helps the Boy Scouts of America with their national convention by providing a military base for their use as a very large campground. Well, the American Civil Liberties Union has decided to stick its nose where it doesn't belong and punish them for such an act of generosity. They have sued (and won!) to prevent the U.S. Government from doing such a thing in the future.

Don't you think this is taking it a bit too far? The B.S.A. does not require you to attend church services. They do not say which god they are to believe in or what theological principles to subscribe to. Take a coin or bill out of your pocket. What does it say on there?

Every boy scout wears an American Flag on his shoulder and says the plegde of allegiance at every meeting. The oath even provides for this. Duty to God and my country. Clearly the country is not required to give anything back, but according to the ACLU, it is considered wrong if they do.


At 9:04 PM, Blogger Nick said...

Were you Canteen Boy?


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