
you are thinking of the number 12.

Have you ever had one of those wierd dreams that something was going to happen and then the next day, that even actually occurs? Today marks the second time in as many weeks that this has happened to me. In my dream, I was having lunch with one of the very senior corporate guys and I was in a panic because I could remember his name but not his face. Yea, I was having lunch with him but i couldn't see his face....it was a dream. work with me here. funny side note, I can distinctly remember what i was eating (spinach wrap club sandwich in case you were curious). anyways, guess who walked into my store this afternoon? yup, same senior exec. my jaw hit the floor.

yes, i'm psychic. this proves it. all bow before my greatness. and quit thinking dirty thoughts about me. it's embarassing that you think i'm that well endowed. honestly! quit it! i'm turning red over here!

Topic change!
I just got finished reading Freakonomics last night. Great book. Makes me wish I would have paid more attention in Econ 101 and 102 (and left the sprite can filled with whiskey at home). It's basically about how one guy takes a stastical look at the world and goes about making really wierd yet valid comparisons that challenge "conventional wisdom". You don't even have to be a math geek to enjoy it (until he gets to the part about baby names...that drags a bit). Next book on the shelf is "The Tipping Point" by Malcom Gladwell. Looks interesting.


At 8:47 AM, Blogger Tim said...

The baby names was interesting. Holly has one of the whitest names around.

At 10:33 AM, Blogger Nick said...

word on the street is that you are not hung.


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