
the simanek six: top 6 quotes from the tahoe trip

6. vyduna: "the landing is about 5 feet down...but it's all powder" what a liar.
5. girl in hot tub: "so what do you do?" me: "i'm a fudgepacker"
4. TSA agent at O'Hare: "Is that you're pinata?" me: "yea" TSA: "so what's is supposed to be....ohhhhhh."
3. yours truly: "is the pope catholic? does he wear a funny hat? aw fuck, you're jewish...nevermind."
2. bartender: "well, which one of the beers on tap haven't you had?" a very drunken mike: "um...i guess i haven't had the budweiser tonight"
1. kyle: "I fucking HATE twos!" drunk guy at blackjack table: "What? Are you an anti-semite or something?" You might have to say this one out loud in order to get it.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger Nick said...

hahahaha fudgepacker.

At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

[ross perot]
That was hi-larious!
[/ross perot]


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