
how to be a good customer

rule 1: when you walk into the store and an employee says "hi! how are you?". Do not respond by throwing your hands up and practically yelling that you are "just looking" without so much as a 'hello' in return. despite what you may think, we are people too and are just trying to be friendly and helpful. if you don't like it, then go pound sand. heh.

rule 2: when the store is crowded, have some courtesy. yes, we know there is a wait and yes, we are trying very hard to work as quickly as possible. please do not start waving at us and asking us questions as we help another patron. it will just slow us down.

rule 3: along the same lines as number two, should you feel the need to flag us down, and we come over to you, we assume that you already know what you want. this is NOT the time to begin your decision making process. if you have a question, fine, ask away. this is what i'm here for. but when i walk over there and you start to confer with your companion, you had better be talking about me and my dashing good looks, dapper clothing, or whether or not that's a candy bar in my pocket...not asking what kind of ice cream your friend wants.

rule 4: please read the signs. we don't make them because we couldn't think of anything else to do with the scissors. I would estimate that 75% of all questions I get could be answered by just looking aroung. Now I admit, it's a lot to take in and if it's not busy, I do my best to make your shopping trip as efficient as possible so you don't have to look for the answers. However, if you start waving at me from the back of the crowd of people to ask me "how much is all this stuff?" when all you had to do was look 14 inches above my left shoulder, I'm going to be a bit perturbed.


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