
reality comes roaring back

being back from vacation for a day, reality has come back with a vengeance. now don't get me wrong, it's not all bad.

some of it is good, like little kids playing with the bear at the store. i will never tire of a random two year old poking at the bear, giving him a hug, and then demanding to sit next to it.
some of it is bad, like getting so nervous on the phone with a girl that you forget how to talk. seriously, what is my issue with that? in person, it's not very difficult, but hand me a 12 button piece of plastic and i'm so jumpy you'd think that i was getting a prostate exam.

more good stuff: running. plain and simple flat out running. there is something about going full tilt, balls out, here-comes-the-upchuck wagon, fast, that feels really good. or maybe i'm just a sadist.
the bad stuff: not having a clear view of why the business is not as successful as i had hoped.
the good stuff: sunny, 50, and windows down for the first time in 5 months.
the bad stuff: sitting on my bed and splintering the frame (yes, i really was only sitting on it...by myself).
the good stuff: deciding that i will build my next bed frame...and boy do i have a cool design idea for it.
the bad stuff: someone whose opinion you respect telling you that you made a mistake.
the really good stuff: remembering that regrets about past decisions are a waste of time and anybody who disagrees can get the hell out of the way. =)


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