
well duh!

i read and article this morning in runner's world about how running all out can improve your mood and help work out frustration. no kidding! maybe it's just me but this is my number 1 biggest reason for running. it outweighs hitting a lifegoal or my competitiveness. i have a hard time believing that some of the folks who right these things are paid what they are. here are a few jems from this issue:
- people who run to look good (read that as, not because they enjoy it) work out 40% less than people who have other motivation. really?! wow! you mean, if i don't something that i don't like to do, then i tend to do it less than someone who enjoys it? huh...what are the odds?
- soda and 'energy drinks' are bad to drink while running. shit. now i suppose you're going to tell me i light up a cigarette either.
- a direct quote: "when you crave fluids, it's time to take a drink". the profoundness of this statement amazes me.

i should start my own running magazine. i shall call it "On Your Left!"


At 11:45 AM, Blogger Nick said...

I read something that said that if you have chewing tobacco before you run you shave 10 seconds off per mile.

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about tobacco, but it's definitely true of caffeine.

Agreed on the articles; some are written for 3-year olds.


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