
marriage is what brings us together........today

last weekend was the drunken debauchery laden experience of hebda's wedding. we started out on friday with a godawful round of golf. it was fun but damn am i bad at that sport. thank god for budweiser. we return from golf to be greeted by a tailgate party in the parking lot of the hotel. this got all of us good and primed for the rehearsal dinner.

we head to the church, get our rehearsal on, and head to the next boozing station. the groomsmen take this opportunity to plot the demise of our dear friend and determine that a late night shaving cream-a-thon is in order. upon returning to the hotel, i, unfortunately, passed out. thank goodness for V, Cary, and Walti and their dedication to the art of 4am hebda-harassment.

saturday morning upon arriving at the church, the shenanigans really got under way. the groomsmen were given the basement of the church to call home for the next 3 hours. we made the most of it. yes, that's right, i'm going to hell. we really drank, played cards, and gambled in a church.

now it was time for pictures. that's yours truly doing the aerial pelvic thrust in front of the cross. yup, still going to hell. believe it or not, this was one of the more decent ones. i'll post the masterpiece as soon as i get my hands on it.

after the ceremony, we hit the booze bus (could have been nicknamed champagne-central) to take us to the reception. once there, i took my groove/shake/jigginess to a new level. if you were female, i danced with you at least once throughout the night. it didn't matter if you were 70 or 17 (yes, there are photos of both instances).

sunday can be summed up in one word: hangover.

even with the hangover it was an amazing weekend. good friends, good times, good booze.


At 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

was Walti a blockhead for Block I by any chance?


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