
where's my rifle? i'm going commando!

Seeing as it was a beautiful day out today, i decided to ride my bike into work and have some fun racing traffic. All was good until I went to shower and change in the gym. i get out of the shower and begin unpacking my clothes only to discover that i did not pack any boxers. Ugh. To make matters worse, somewhere between my cube and the gym, i have misplaced a banana. so now, no undies AND no breakfast.


At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No undies and no banana make Homer something something!

Is there an option for you to include whole posts in your RSS feed? Pretty please?

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Tim said...

There is, but sometimes blogger messes it up and toggles the feed from "whole message" to "summary" for no aparrent reason. Even if the setting is for one format, it doesn't mean that it will be the format returned. I even suspect it is a toggle. Switching it from one setting to another will change formats, even if it is the reverse of what it should be.


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