
wonka alert!

i discovered late last night how scott and i are built differently when it comes to business.

Before i get to that, first, a little background:
We have people flying in to install the cash registers and put on a training class for myself and the staff. Our contractor told us that this would be fine. Last night, i'm told that our floor gets installed on the same days that the cash registers are to go in and that no one else can be in the store at that time (tile needs a while to set before it can be walked on). I call our vendor to try and reschedule and they tell us that it's either the days we agreed on earlier or 3 weeks from now. otherwise, they are booked solid and simply don't have the people.

My reaction: Shit, well, i can have them set up the registers at my house and show me how to install them. I can have the employees come to my place later in the week and we can do the training there.
Scott's reaction: (picking up phone) Shit, they told us we would be fine for next week. they WILL get that floor done in time. He calls our contractor and rightfully lays into him.

So which was the correct reaction? It was Scott's. They screwed up. It should be them that fixes it. My reaction worries me a bit. Am I too passive to run a business? I better get my goddamn head on strait if I am.


At 5:51 PM, Blogger Tim said...

You just need to get in the mindset that nothing is your fault.

Unless it is, of course.

Sort of the reverse (but not the opposite) of the "Tell me if you disagree with me. If you're right, you get a bonus. If you're wrong, I'll eat you for lunch" theory.

At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had to get a B5 reference in there, eh Tim?

Mike, the solution is simple: you are always correct. Unless you're arguing with me.


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