yes, you are all blessed with a second post today. don't you feel fortunate?
today marks the third time in almost as many weeks that i have been blatantly hit on by a customer. this strikes me as incredibly wierd. yes, it's happened before this, but this latest streak has been craziness. one was in high school (!!!), the second might have been, and this last one was definitely not. but this isn't the crazy part.
when i've gone out on dates in the past, i shave, shower, and am pretty psyched up for the evening. in all three of the last incidents, i hadn't shaved, had been in a hot store for several hours sweating my nuts off, and felt like ass for one reason or another (reference the previous post for today's reason).
women of the world, would you make up your damn minds? if you want a clean cut, nice smelling, smiling guy, that's cool by me. however, your current trends dictate that i should pitch my razor, stop showering, and make sure i walk around with a hangover 24/7. just tell me what i should do, alright? thanks.
and yes, my ego is now enormous. big swingin' dick coming through, look out. somebody get me eva longoria's phone number.
please keep showering!
The women realize that you would look good showered and clean, but also see the true you since you are not giving a shit at that moment and like what they see as a whole package.
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