
shopping carts

since i have started to spend a significant amount of time in shopping center parking lots, i have developed a new beef with humanity. shopping carts. rather, people who leave their shopping carts in some random spot in the parking lot. yes, Miss Soccer-mom and Mr. Trailer-dad, i'm looking at you. Once you are finished loading your palate of diapers, 100 lbs. of dog food and 4 crates of bottled foo-foo water into your gas sucking, no-signal using, house on wheels that you call an SUV, walk your lazy ass 20 feet in either direction and put your cart in the cart corral. Giving it a shove in the general direction of the cart collection area is NOT acceptable. Do not be surprised if I honk and give you the finger if you do this you rude, self-centered, asshole. On another note, don't just leave your cart in the adjacent parking space either. Did you read that? P A R K I N G space...it is for parking your CAR, not your shopping cart. idiot. other patrons of the shopping complex may have the audacity to want to leave their car where you've left your cart especially if you are in a space close to said complex. in that case, why can you not just push your cart over to the sidewalk next to the building? probably because you have trouble breathing and walking at the same time.


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