
it motza been a good trip!

last weekend took me to texas to see eric and his family for the jewish holiday of passover. during the seder dinner, we played a rousing game of pin-the-yamulkah-on-the-catholic where everyone got a good laugh out of me trying to pronounce words common only to those who light the menorah. Oy! The thing I love about the holiday is that it is mandated by God that you drink 4 glasses of wine at this meal (at minimum). Well, if the Almighty says so, then I guess we simply have to do it. By the way, Manischevitz tastes like alcoholic grape kool-aid...only sweeter. I think I got just as much of a sugar buzz as i did a liquor buzz. By the end of the night I half expected a giant square wine bottle burst through the wall and say, "oh yea!"

Not only did I get to participate in a Jewish holiday but the highlight of the trip was getting to see my nephew Jack who is three (in spite of his 6:45 wake up calls). If he keeps up his basketball skills, he's the next J.J. Redick. The kid is hitting shots on a 10 foot rim with his mini-ball already. Incredible. He also manages to make me feel incredibly dumb. I was sitting on the patio drinking a beer taking a break from making clover, rosemary, leaf and random-weed soup with him when Jack spots a spider.
Jack: Uncle Mike, are spiders oviparous?
Me to my brother: What did he just ask?!
Eric: Are spiders oviparous.
Me: What the f...freakin' heck does that mean?
Eric: He's asking if they come from eggs.
Me (with big dumb/astounded look on my face): Yes Jack, spiders are oviparous.

We continue talking about what other animals come from eggs and things. It turns out that my brother, the biology/chemistry extraordinaire, did NOT teach him this. He learned it in preschool. Standards are certainly much higher than when I was in preschool. Damn!


At 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Entertainment value of tonight's post: A+ Golden Comedy.


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