

i received a forward yesterday telling of the outrageous act the United States Postal Service was committing by offering a stamp for sale commemorating the Muslim holiday of Eid (don't ask me what it means). It starts out by saying, "remember the muslim bombing of PanAm 103" and goes through a whole list of Muslim terror attacks ending in the 9/11 attacks. It finishes by directing us to loudly boycott the purchase of this stamp and forward on to as many "patriotic people" as you know. i have often been annoyed but forwards, but this may be the first time that i was angered because of one.

this has to be one of the most ignorant things i have ever read.

thing 1: if you are truly patriotic, then you believe in the constitution, separation of church and state, and in general, tolerance for the beliefs and ideas of others.
thing 2: it is this kind of attitude that has added fuel to the fire of extremists to take such action. now i'm not defending their actions, but if you expect them to tolerate us, we need to tolerate them too.
thing 3: if you are so angered by the celebration of a religious holiday, then you'd better be boycotting the christmas, hannukah, and kwanza stamps as well.
thing 4: to quote southpark, "why don't you go help yourself to a fucking science book you fucking retard". boycotting the stamp does nothing. you will still need to send that letter, so you'll still have to pay your 37 cents. there are no proceeds that go to any muslim group. the email also states that this is a "christmas stamp even though they don't believe in christ". it's not a christmas stamp. it's a stamp for Eid. Eid != Christmas. idiot.
thing 5: you are a racist. because a small group of extremists decided to convince the world through fear, you want to classify all muslims like that. you may as well assume that all black's live in the ghetto, women will never be as good in the workplace as men, and all mexicans are lazy (those that work for me work harder than anyone else).

For those of you who receive this mail, all i ask is that you think twice before you send it on. Promoting hate is no way to avoid a fight.


At 9:01 AM, Blogger Nick said...

Some people need to be punched for being racist bigots and for forwarding fucking chain emails.


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