
year in review

my new year's resolutions from last year:
Put a significant dent in my mortgage - check
Switch jobs. - check
Bench Press 200 lbs 6 times in a row. - nope, still a wuss
Complete a half-ironman triathlon. - nope, but i did complete a regular triathlon on 5 hours notice with a nasty hangover
Qualify for Boston - nope
Go on 6 dates (in increase by 600%) - actually 9 this year...one of whom i hope to see more of.

so what's in store for '06?
hit my sales target at rocky mountain
have significant progress made towards the opening of a second store.
complete that damn half-ironman (august 7th...steelhead)
qualify for boston - the 5th time this has make the list
get my kitchen and living room repainted
finally complete refinishing the dresser that i've been working on for 2 years now.

hope everybody's new year was a good one and good luck with 2006.

update: no, i have no intention of doing the full ironman any more this year. i don't think i can get in shape in time.


At 10:51 PM, Blogger Nick said...

you need to have sex with one of your employees too.

At 3:30 PM, Blogger mike said...

nick, i guess i forgot to mention my other goal...be lawsuit free.


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