
'tis the season to be a moron

my list of annoyances with shopppers continues to grow with each passing day spent in the mall.

thing 1: i absolutely cannot STAND walking through the mall. for some reason, every glassy-eyed, open mouthed, member of fat-america is somehow given to meandering the mall 4 abreast with their friends so that not a soul shall pass them. i have things to do people. get the hell out of the way. or at least meander in a single file line. or meander faster. i was walking through the mall yesterday and came within inches of running into a lady with a cell phone glued to her head as she was walking out of a store into the flow of humanity. i dodged her but not before she gave me a nasty look as if i was in the wrong. it's like driving onto I-94 without so much as a glance and expecting all cars to stop so her majesty can merge at her convenience.

thing 2: parents who have no business being parents. a child walks in yesterday and starts grabbing everything in the store. no big deal. it's a kid being a kid. mom says, "now honey, don't touch." he continues grabbing stuff and pulling it off shelves. mom repeats her mantra. and repeats and repeats...and does NOTHING to intervene while she shops. not a slight tug of the arm away from things, not picking up anything that was knocked over, nothing. i saw a sign in a store once. "There are no such thing as bad children...only bad parents." in this case, i couldn't have agreed more.

thing 3: overly bold guys hitting on my staff. now i don't mind it when there's some flirting going on. it's good for business and it's kind of funny. but when some guy stops in his tracks as he's passing the store, comes in, and proceeds to make some of the girls uncomfortable, that's where i draw the line. now i've thrown people out of the bar before, but a chocolate store? come on. learn some manners for christ's sake people.


At 9:20 AM, Blogger Nick said...

post pictures of your staff.



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