
thank you 4 wheel drive

today was the 3rd time I've ever required my 4 wheel drive. I am convinced that besides airbags and other safety equipment, this is the single most important feature on any vehicle in my future. with the 10 inches of snow that as fallen in the last 12 hours, the plows have been unable to keep up, especially the ones that my townhome complex hires. We had a roughly 18-24inch wall of snow from the IDOT plows blocking the entrance to the community. If I had a car, or an SUV without 4wd, I wasn't going anywhere. Instead, a flip of the switch, a running start, and a mild explosion of snow, and I'm off to my destination. My neighbor was highly amused. Shoveling is for sissies.


i'm a medical anomaly

I went to visit my orthopedist today about the ruptured tendon in my finger. After taking off the splint and having me move my finger around a bunch he told me that my finger should not have healed. He explained that the delay between the injury and when I finally got it treated was so long that there was no way he thought that I would regain full motion with it. He came right out and said that when he had splinted it earlier, he thought that he was wasting his time and that the best case scenario was that I'd gain partial movement back. I became a show-and-tell piece and got paraded around the office to all the other doctors who also expressed their amazement.

Mr. Pappagiorgio, your usual table?

Top 10 things I learned in Vegas:
10. The window seat on the return trip makes all the difference. Some dude who was flying standby took the window seat that I had and left me the aisle. I didn't think i was any big deal so I let him have it thinking that I'd be just as comfortable stretching my legs into the aisle. Well, between getting assaulted by the beverage cart, and falling asleep into the dude's girlfriend's lap since there was no cabin wall to lean on, I've decided that I will forever demand the window.
9. VERY few guys actually dance on the dance floor. Most kind of look around with a drink in their hand and nod with the music. It's really quite funny if you look around.
8. Drinking Rusty Nails before 11am is NEVER a good idea.
7. That retarded game called craps...yea, I finally learned how to play it. It's still retarded.
6. Lobbyists are the people who write the political speeches, the the politicians or their staff members (i was sitting next to a professional lobbyist at the blackjack table).
5. I have no business betting on pro football
4. The servers in restaurants are some of the best in the business. If you work in food service, go to a vegas restaurant for one hell of a learning experience.
3. The bouncers at clubs in Vegas are very adept at marketing. They keep the line long so as to look busy even though there are very few people inside.
2. There are few things more exciting than a hot blackjack table.
1. I never party as hard as I do when all the boys from college get together.