
where's my rifle? i'm going commando!

Seeing as it was a beautiful day out today, i decided to ride my bike into work and have some fun racing traffic. All was good until I went to shower and change in the gym. i get out of the shower and begin unpacking my clothes only to discover that i did not pack any boxers. Ugh. To make matters worse, somewhere between my cube and the gym, i have misplaced a banana. so now, no undies AND no breakfast.


you got served...

ok, so actually, I got served. I've been subpoenaed to appear in court to testify about this incident. that's right, time for me to lay down the law. it's been almost 6 months now since this happened. i wonder if it's possible to get a copy of the police report that i filed to refresh my memory.


the simanek 6: things i learned from the triathlon

1: despite swimming slowly, i still damn near drown. check out this for a picture of what i looked like after the swim and what i looked like after the swim, bike, then run. i think i'm much happier on land.
2. i look gay in spandex. see above link for more evidence.
3. i can't swim in a strait line to save my life.
4. just because they are fast swimmers or have better bikes, doesn't mean i can't run them down (sub 7 minute miles help).
5. swim caps are great for open water swimming, but they don't do much for the water and seaweed going up your nose.
6. always find out how long you will be running before the race so you don't have to ask a competitor as you jog by. they give you a really idiotic look when you ask.
the bonus: after the tri, it's a whole different kind of tired than after a long run. after a run, you can barely move your legs. after the tri, all of your core muscles (back, stomach, and those that connect your upper body to your lower) are exhausted and just standing up seems to be an effort.