
running lost

i consider myself to have a pretty decent sense of direction. it's not spectacular, but it's good enough for me to get by. if i know where i came from and a general idea of the overhead view of where i'm going, i can usually get there. this has come in very handy when i go out on long runs. every once in a while, i'll get sick of my old routes and just head off in some random direction and keep going until i get tired, then find my way back home. sure i've gotten a little lost before, but nothing more than a mile or two (except for the 7 mile detour of death through busse woods).

last night i set out for a 10ish mile run and wanted to go exploring. i get out about 8 miles or so and decide to start looking for a way back. long story short, i get REALLY lost. at one point, i am trying to flag down cars to tell me where the hell i am. i finally get one to stop. "which way is palatine?" "palatine?! umm...this way i think, but you're far!" ok, no big deal. her version of far on foot and mine are probably pretty different. i head off in the direction she points only to find that i am quite obviously not going in the right direction. it's now dark out and the sky opens up. i'm soaked, cold, tired, thirsty, hungry, and still have no idea where i am. suck.

i flag down another car. "which way is north?" "that way." "which way is palatine?" "back that way...but you're far! do you want a ride?" "no, that's ok. i'll get back ok." i found it funny that this second lady said almost the exact same thing as the first but pointed in different directions.

through this new information, i found my way back to a major road that i recognized. unfortunately, it was dark and rainy...and it's a major road...with no shoulder. i spent the next 3 miles dodging cars, puddles, and loud noises coming from the woods to my left.

i finally make it home and crash on my living room floor. by my estimation, i ran 22 or 23 miles yesterday...with no water. i think i might take today off from the gym. and yes, this was the first time i have run without my cell phone in almost 8 months.



friday was one of those great days. no, let me correct that. it was fucking great. wait, no, it was really fucking great.

5:45 - wake up, make coffee (my guy gave me a bag of this stuff that retails at $40/lb. pretty decent stuff.)
6:30 - leave for twin lakes.
7:30 - arrive at twin lakes, put lift in water.
8:30 - retrieve the smartest/dumbest thing i ever purchased.
9:30 - gas station. $115 to fill that damn thing up. holy crap.
9:45 - drop it in the water and tear around like little boy with a tonka truck.
10:15 - wetsuit, slalom, towrope....i'm set.
10:30 - HIT IT!!!
10:40 - drink some lake water.
11:45 - HIT IT!!!
noon - use face to test softness of lake at 35mph.
1:30 - reuben and a draft newcastle. sweeeeeeeeeeeet.
3:30 - home and a nap.
5:00 - gym
7:30 - home for dinner and xbox.